
{ Jasmine Star Workshop • Orange County CA }

February 12, 2010

I’m Jessica
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In November, I attended the fabulous Jasmine Star’s Branding Workshop- which was AH=MAZING!  Jasmine and JD put together a truly wonderful day and experience for the photographers who attended…where dreams are possible.
Jasmine took the leap and started her business a few years ago- and has built it into something wonderful.  Not only does she have a huge blog following, but is also a super talented photographer.  I am not gonna lie- I think all of us attendees were pretty star struck!  My boyfriend Mike sat next to her at dinner- and I almost said to him- move so someone who really appreciates her can sit there!  Ok that would have been abit overboard but you get the idea.  She is a rockstar in the wedding photography world.  Oh and by the end of the trip, Mike agreed that Jasmine and JD were rockstars!
Jasmine breaks things down in such a way, that no question is silly, and that everyone is equal and can do what they love.  The trick…your heart has to be in it- and YOU are your brand.  Everything else will fall into place.  I believe that.
Live your dream.  As many of you may know- I am also a graphic designer, which has really helped me in so many ways. However, I have recently made the choice to start phasing out my design for my true love and dream. Photography is something that I LOVE beyond words- and I am so lucky to be able to share this with the world.  I wouldn’t have it any other way:)
Since the workshop I have thought about my brand- Jessica Leigh Morrisy Photography.  What do I want my clients to know about who I am and what my goal is as an artist and a person.  I decided…and this was a BIG one for me- to have my blog and branding designed by an outside design company.  I think by allowing someone else to see my vision- I might finally get the cohesive brand I have always wanted but couldn’t see for myself.  Stayed tuned in the next month or so for my new look!  I am jumping out of my seat excited!
So here are some shots taken at the workshop. California sunlight is just spectacular!



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  1. Anouschka says:

    Girl, seriously these images rock!!! Love them! Can’t wait to see your rebranding 🙂

  2. anda says:

    such gorgeous pics — so happy to finally see them. cannot wait to see your new branding; how exciting!!

  3. Jasmine* says:

    Soooo pretty!! 🙂

  4. Mary says:

    These are gorgeous!! xo,M

  5. gladysjem says:

    i agree with everyone, beautiful. i love the softness and prettiness of your photographs.
    cant wait to see your new branding too jesser!

  6. Jessica says:

    I love the casual/caught off guard/ laughing shot! You have a talent for catching those real moments.
    My favorite pic from our whole day (at MU) was a casual “Hey guy!” and we turned and said..”Hey!”… LOVE IT Jess – good work!

  7. Anne says:

    Ohhh, you attended Jasmine Star’s workshop! That’s one that I sooooo want to go to. Unfortunately the States are a little further away from Germany than Paris. I hope you attend the second workshop as well and we’ll be able to meet. I have the feeling it might result in a friendship. All the best to you. xoxo
    P.S.: I love your style. Your photos are so clear and light. I also like the look of your website and blog.

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