
FAQ Post Number 1.

July 8, 2011

I’m Jessica
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I have gotten several emails asking questions about branding, my career background, and what equipment I use, etc.  So I have finally decided to create a FAQ post.  If you have any questions…feel free to send them over.


#1.  How long have you been a photographer…how did you dive into this as a career?

I have been taking pictures for as long as I can remember, which is I’m sure true for most photographers!  The first time I can recall documenting an “event” was when my mom had taken my sister and I to an American Indian Pow Wow, a festival of dancing, turquoise jewelry, and American Indian culture.  I literally took 4 rolls of film that day with my fushia pink camera.  I can’t say the pictures were good, but I was having fun, and loved the process.  Flash forward a couple years to college, and I was hooked again!  I changed my major from business to art, studying both photography and graphic design.  I even took a student job working in the photo-lab, processing film, enlarging negatives, and managing the studio lighting lab.  When it came time for an internship, I went to work for amazing photographer Therese Marie Wagner…never realizing that in fact I too would become a wedding photographer!  I probably should have paid more attention!  J/k

I was really lucky to have the double major of both photography and graphic design.  I went to work for a newspaper then a corporate software company, designing logos, websites, ads, print materials, etc…while doing portraits on the weekends.  One thing led to another, and suddenly I was shooting weddings for friends and friends of friends in my spare time.  I took any earnings from those jobs and invested in camera equipment and workshops.  When the company I was designing for let me go, I took that as the push I needed to dive into photography full time.  I have owned my corporation for 2.5 years, full time for just over a year.  I love this job so much and feel blessed that I get to document the lives of my clients.  I can’t imagine my life any other way.


#2.  What suggestions can you offer about branding?

One of the most important tips I can offer in regards to branding, is defining your style through your work, website, logo, and print materials…then stick with it!  If you don’t have faith in your brand-why would your clients have faith either.  I probably shouldn’t talk because I have changed my logo and web design so many times in the past couple years…but I can finally say I feel comfortable with my branding.  The style of my website compliments my work…its classic and at times vintage. Ultimately I try to make everything I photograph look as beautiful as I possibly can, as if I am shooting for a magazine.  I try to reflect in every aspect of my branding, by putting my best foot forward.  Once I realized that crazy colored Photoshop actions weren’t my style… my business actually improved.  And likewise, if Photoshop actions are your thing, than rock it:)  I truly believe that  now that I am “owning” my style…clients know exactly what they are going to get when they book with me.  No surprises.

Aside from that…be yourself! Make your branding as unique as you are.  There are hundreds of amazing photographers out there…what makes you stand out from the crowd?  Let your personality and style shine in every piece of your brand your put out for your client to see.  You only have seconds to make a great first impression…I learned that when I was a waitress at TGI Fridays:) If your blog, website and print materials all reflect the same cohesive style…your brand becomes THAT much stronger.

#3.  What equipment do you use?

I am a nikon gal:)  In my camera bag I have:

Nikon D3

Nikon D700

Nikon F100 (in-case I’m feeling frisky enough to shoot some film)

Nikkor 50mm 1.4 (my fav)

Nikkor 70-200mm 2.8

Nikkor 60mm Macro

Nikkor 28mm 2.8

Sekonic Light Meter

2 SB 900 Flashes

As well as various other things including batteries, film, memory cards, flash bracket, remote trigger, and a rosary I had blessed when visiting the Vatican.
Well thats is for now:)  Please feel free to fill out the contact form with more questions!




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