
{ Take time to enjoy life’s simple pleasures }

September 16, 2009

I’m Jessica
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In spring 2009, I visited France and Italy and had the time of my life!  Maybe it’s just me, but everything in europe seemed so magical…the art, food, architecture, and history.  Recently it occurred to me that home (here in jersey!)  can also be spectacular- I just don’t make the same time here to enjoy the simple pleasures in life the way I did while on vacation!

If you know me personally, then you know I am a girl who loves my coffee…well, wine too but this post is mainly about coffee, lol.  The people at Dunkin Doughnuts and Starbucks all know me by name, and I am not even kidding.  What amazed me about europe was that the people really take time to enjoy and savor their coffee.  Drive ins…nada!  While at a cafe in Paris, I asked for le café pour aller (to-go) …the man looked at me as if I was crazy!  Allez où?…Go Where?  Why would I want to take my coffee with me, that not enjoyable!  In Tuscany a similar thing happened.  While at an Italian equivalent of a highway rest stop, I asked for a cappuccino.  To my surprise there was no recycled paper cup, but rather a porcelain cup and saucer served with a sugar packet and spoon.  I was forced or should I say lucky to enjoy my coffee in a real cup.  Not racing out the door.

I challenge you on this rainy day to enjoy the simple pleasures that life gives you, whether its coffee in a fancy cup and saucer with foam on top, a walk through the park, or even dancing around the kitchen while making dinner.  Life’s little pleasures should be savored:)  Hmm coffee anyone?

xoxo, J

Here is an image of my first cappuccino on Roma:)  Perfect with a heart on top!




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  1. Thanks for sharing this, Ive added your blog to my bookmarks,,

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